
Uish! Lihat Baju Tradisional Biru Gaya Untuk Wanita & Lelaki

Biru adalah salah satu warna yang paling popular dalam dunia fesyen sekarang. Adakah anda pernah melihat kombinasi pakaian biru yang tak cantik? Tak pernah kan! Itu kerana biru membawa nafas segar ke mana sahaja ia pergi. Ia adalah warna keabadian, royalti, keyakinan dan keabadian. Apabila anda memakai biru, anda memancarkan suasana pencerahan, kecerdasan, ketenangan dan kebijaksanaan. Bukan itu sahaja, ia adalah warna yang sempurna untuk memastikan anda sejuk dalam panas Malaysia yang mendidih.

Sudah tentu anda berminat untuk mendapatkan pakaian biru, tetapi anda mungkin tidak tahu apa yang perlu dipakai. Baju tradisional Malaysia ialah pakaian sesuai yang boleh dipakai untuk sebarang majlis dan kelihatan menakjubkan dalam warna biru! Berikut adalah senarai baju tradisional Malaysia untuk lelaki dan wanita yang anda perlukan untuk almari anda!


Kasuma Kurung Moden

Anda tidak boleh membeli baju tradisional wanita tanpa mengambil kira baju kurung. Kasuma Kurung Moden biru ini adalah gabungan sempurna antara tradisional dan moden. Fleksibilitinya membolehkan anda menikmati kedua-dua elemen baju kurung ini. Anda boleh memakainya dengan kasut sukan atau flat untuk mengikut gaya kegemaran anda.

Source: Gene Martino

Baju Kurung Adalah Pakaian Tradisional Kaum Melayu Di Malaysia

Baju Kurung Bridesmaid

Baju Kurung Bridesmaid ini trendy sebab anda boleh pakai untuk beberapa majlis. Anda boleh pakai baju tradisional ini untuk kenduri, perkahwinan atau pun di tempat kerja. Fabrik pakaian ini adalah material jacquard lembut dengan rintangan kedutan dan kemasan permukaan berkilat. Ia juga mempunyai tali pinggang elastik untuk keselesaan dan zip di sisi untuk memudahkan pergerakan semasa anda berjalan. Reka bentuk potongan langsing menjadikannya kelihatan cantik pada sebarang bentuk dan saiz badan.

Source: Gene Martino

Baju Kurung Ini Sesuai Dipakai Di Sebarang Majlis


Baju Batik Lengan Panjang

Batik adalah kain tradisional Indonesia yang telah menjadi fesyen selama beberapa dekad. Walaupun ia baju tradisional, baju batik telah menjadi satu trend baharu dalam dunia fesyen khususnya generasi muda.

Source: Gene Martino

Baju Batik Adalah Pakaian Tradisional Yang Dipakai Di Malaysia

Baju ini mempunyai reka bentuk yang ringkas namun elegan, dengan cetakan Batik yang menarik perhatian di bahagian hadapan dan belakang baju. Ia boleh dipadankan dengan seluar jeans atau chinos untuk pelbagai majlis. Fabrik yang digunakan untuk baju ini adalah premium dull satin yang selesa dipakai serta mudah diselenggara kerana tidak mudah mengecut atau luntur. Gaya potongan untuk baju batik ini adalah padanan biasa yang menjadikannya kelihatan menarik pada semua jenis badan!

Baju Melayu Premium Dull Satin Slim Fit

Sama ada anda sedang mencari baju tradisional yang kasual atau lebih formal, Baju Melayu biru ini adalah pilihan yang tepat. Baju tradisional ini telah wujud sejak zaman nenek moyang kita, dan masyarakat Melayu memakainya semasa upacara keagamaan dan perayaan. Hari ini, baju tradisional ini telah dimodenkan dengan penambahan fabrik, potongan dan reka bentuk yang berbeza supaya ia boleh dipakai untuk majlis yang lebih formal seperti perkahwinan atau kenduri. Reka bentuk karya ini memberikan rupa yang elegan di samping menjadikannya sesuai untuk majlis rasmi seperti perkahwinan atau acara keagamaan. Perincian pada pakaian ini terdiri daripada kolar cekak musang, dua poket celah sisi dan pinggang elastik.

Source: Gene Martino

Baju Melayu Adalah Pakaian Tradisional Melayu

Selama berabad-abad, baju tradisional biru hanya dikhaskan untuk pegawai diraja dan pegawai tinggi, tetapi hari ini ia boleh dipakai oleh sesiapa sahaja yang ingin kelihatan cantik dan selesa.



3 Faedah Yang Anda Masih Boleh Claim Dalam PEMULIH Package

Pada tahun lepas, bekas Perdana Menteri Malaysia, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, memperkenalkan PEMULIH package sebagai bantuan khas COVID-19 untuk membantu rakyat Malaysia semasa wabak itu. Matlamat dana ini adalah untuk membantu meringankan beban kewangan yang disebabkan oleh wabak ini kepada rakyat Malaysia dan perniagaan mereka. Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin mengumumkan suntikan fiskal sebanyak RM10 bilion, termasuk pelbagai bantuan tunai, subsidi kerajaan, pinjaman perniagaan dan banyak lagi.

Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin Memperkenalkan PEMULIH Package Pada Tahun 2021

Bantuan Kewangan Dari PEMULIH Package

Seperti yang diumumkan, isi rumah B40 telah menerima RM500 pada Ogos 2021 dan RM300 pada Disember 2021, manakala bujang B40 menerima RM200. Isi rumah M40 layak menuntut RM250, dengan bujang M40 menerima RM100 pada Ogos 2021. Orang kurang upaya dibenarkan menuntut RM500 sebulan selama tiga bulan. Kerajaan juga membenarkan rakyat Malaysia mengeluarkan RM1000 setiap bulan daripada dana KWSP mereka selama lima bulan untuk akses dana mereka.

3 Faedah Yang Anda Masih Boleh Claim Dalam PEMULIH Package

Subsidi Kerajaan

Kerajaan menyediakan RM500 kepada mereka yang kehilangan pekerjaan dan bantuan bakul makanan kepada orang yang memerlukan. Disebabkan ramai orang bekerja dari rumah, kerajaan memberikan diskaun sehingga 40% untuk bil elektrik untuk membantu kos yang semakin meningkat. Mereka juga menyediakan 1GB data setiap hari untuk membantu orang yang bekerja dan belajar dari rumah. Peminjam PTPTN diberi faedah moratorium yang disasarkan selama tiga bulan, dan memberi masa untuk menyimpan duit dalam tempoh masa tersebut.

Walaupun harga minyak dan petrol meningkat, kerajaan melaksanakan kawalan harga untuk mengekalkan harga pada kadar yang berpatutan, dengan kos lebih RM6 bilion pada tahun itu. Mereka melaksanakan kawalan harga minyak masak dalam botol, petrol RON95, diesel dan LPG.

Dengan tujuan kembali kepada kehidupan seperti biasa sebelum COVID-19, kerajaan mendesak untuk memberi vaksinasi kepada seluruh rakyat. Vaksin adalah percuma untuk orang ramai, dengan kerajaan memperuntukkan RM400 juta untuk memberi vaksin kepada seluruh rakyat. RM200 juta telah ditambah untuk membina dan menaik taraf pusat vaksinasi sedia ada, serta memperkenalkan program vaksinasi mudah alih.

Bantuan Kewangan Untuk Perniagaan Lokal

PEMULIH Package Ini Adalah Bantuan Prihatin Rakyat Malaysia

Bagi membantu perniagaan lokal bertahan, kerajaan melaksanakan tempoh moratorium selama enam bulan untuk peminjam pinjaman individu dan usahawan mikro dengan kelulusan segera. PKS mikro menerima bantuan RM500 pada bulan September dan November. Kerajaan menyediakan bantuan kewangan kepada perniagaan dengan memberikan subsidi gaji sebanyak RM600 setiap pekerja selama empat bulan. Selain itu, elaun sukarelawan barisan hadapan dinaikkan dua kali ganda daripada RM50 kepada RM100 sehari untuk menggalakkan lebih ramai orang menghulurkan bantuan dan cuba menamatkan wabak itu.

Seterusnya, pengendali kemudahan sukan, taska dan agensi pelancongan diberi bantuan one-off sebanyak RM3000 kerana perniagaan mereka tidak boleh dibuka semasa pandemik. Selain itu, kerajaan memperuntukkan RM100 juta untuk membantu perniagaan dalam sektor seni kreatif. Industri tertentu juga dibenarkan menangguhkan ansuran cukai pendapatan bulanan mereka hingga akhir tahun. Syarikat pembinaan dibenarkan melakukan prosedur perolehan yang lebih ringan kerana kos bahan binaan semakin meningkat.

Antara faedah yang disenaraikan dalam senarai setakat ini, kebanyakannya telah tamat dan tidak layak untuk dituntut lagi. Namun begitu, masih terdapat faedah yang perlu dituntut dalam pakej PEMULIH berkenaan pinjaman perniagaan.

Ya, Skim Jaminan Kerajaan Pemulih (PGGS) masih tersedia untuk aplikasi kerana permohonan hanya ditutup apabila penggunaan penuh had skim RM30 bilion. Perniagaan boleh memohon skim ini untuk pembiayaan baharu, tambahan modal kerja atau penstrukturan semula kemudahan pembiayaan sedia ada.

PGGS terbuka kepada semua PKS dan MSC dalam mana-mana industri dengan pendapatan tahunan tidak melebihi RM500 juta untuk mana-mana tahun kewangan selepas 2018. Milik tunggal syarikat mesti dimiliki oleh warganegara Malaysia dengan sekurang-kurangnya 51% saham. Selain itu, syarikat mesti berdaftar dengan Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia sama ada di bawah Akta Pendaftaran Perniagaan (1956) atau Akta Syarikat (1965/ 2016) atau Akta Perkongsian Liabiliti Terhad (2012) atau badan berkanun masing-masing.

Bagaimanapun, syarikat yang disenaraikan di papan utama dan anak syarikat-syarikat berkaitan Kerajaan (GLC), Syarikat Menteri Kewangan Diperbadankan (MKD); dan perusahaan milik kerajaan tidak layak.

Oleh sebab PGGS adalah pinjaman yang disokong kerajaan, perniagaan boleh mendapat perlindungan jaminan sehingga 80%, termasuk kadar faedah dan keuntungan, jika pinjaman tidak mampu dibayar balik. Perniagaan juga perlu membayar yuran jaminan kecil antara 0.75% dan 1% setahun, yang perlu dibayar pendahuluan.

Secara keseluruhannya, PEMULIH package telah membantu rakyat Malaysia kekal bertahan semasa pandemik dan masih menawarkan pelbagai manfaat yang boleh meningkatkan PKS Malaysia. Jika anda berminat untuk memohon program ini, pastikan anda melakukan penyelidikan anda dan hubungi pihak berkuasa yang berkenaan untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang cara anda boleh memanfaatkan manfaat ini.


The Value of Film Auteurs to Movie Studios

The Value of Film Auteurs

Free Man Holding Clapper Board Stock Photo

About ten years ago, the studios seemed firmly in control of the film industry. They had noticed the runaway success of superhero films, and suddenly film release schedules were filled with more and more films starring comic book characters.

A large section of the filmgoing public ate them up, but as they aged, the demographic of comic book readers and admirers became pickier about the characters they would pay to see. 

The DC and Marvel universes were created out of this turmoil, and they continue to wage battle with each other at the box office. As the budgets for these films become larger and the production values, special effects and star talent become more of a factor in the marketing of these types of movies, the media focuses on these films.  

But the studios are smart enough to keep spots in their schedule open for the auteurs. 

Giving People What They Want

The main role of a film studio is to provide a variety of productions that cater to a large part of the movie-going public. But nobody knows with any certainty which films will be hits and which will be flops. 

Film Auteurs are well-respected filmmakers in the industry. They include Quentin Tarantino, Martin Scorsese, Christopher Nolan, Wes Anderson, and many others. They each have a recognizable style. They take complete control over their pictures to make them their way. 

You may think this goes against the studio’s role of guiding the movies under their name. But studios are willing to bend to accommodate popular auteurs because they create films on a wide variety of subjects. They supply the balanced slate of pictures for a studio that only really knows how to make superhero films or rom-coms. They also may be the studio’s best chance at an Academy Award when Oscar time rolls around each year. 


Don’t Get Too Invested in Your Favorite Show

Don’t Get Too Invested in a Show You Like

Free photos of Netflix

The increase in the number of streaming services offers a greater variety of choices for consumers, but it also offers a double-edged sword to people who like to watch shows that air in an extended series format. 

We’ve all heard of niche shows that were deemed to be great by the critics, but they didn’t garner enough viewers to justify their being renewed for another season. Maybe they didn’t have enough publicity, or maybe they suffered from a slow build-up that only a few viewers appreciated. 

Devoting the time and intellectual effort to following the plot of a series and developing empathy for the characters is a form of personal investment that you take pleasure in. Suddenly cancelling that show can feel like the rug is being pulled out from under you. You crave an ending to the story and a resolution to all the plot points that you’ll never get. 

Be Prepared for Disappointment

With the increase in the number of streaming services comes an increase in the amount of competition for your viewing time. Streaming channels can no longer afford to air shows that get only a small number of viewers. Every streaming channel has to constantly air shows that appeal to the widest demographic to ensure the shows are seen by a large number of viewers. 

This is both good and bad. It’s good in that a wider appeal to the shows generally means a higher quality of writers, actors and production. But it’s bad for a show with a good premise that simply doesn’t garner the number of viewers initially to warrant continued support from the channel. 

So, choose your shows carefully and don’t get too invested in the plots and characters until you know the show has a future on the channel. 


Real-life Plots are Just Fine with Me

Real-life Plots are Just Fine

There seems to be an alarming trend in the movie business these days. No actor can say they’ve truly had a successful career unless they’ve played a superhero or nemesis of a superhero at least once. I’ve lost count of the number of Batman and Spiderman movies. But I’m sure there’s at least enough for all the A-level actors to put on the costume and have a crack at the roles. 

The problem with superhero movies, is that they offer such predictable plots. The plots also often feature impossible difficulties that can only be overcome with the help of copious and ridiculous amounts of expensive CGI, after which the hero takes a knee to celebrate their victory. 

Not Aimed at Adults

The studios, when criticised for the sheer amount of superhero movies, point out that these movies are aimed more at juvenile audiences. It seems like the studios have discovered a can’t-miss way to make endless amounts of money by churning out the same types of movies to an audience that eats them up. 

The problem is, that they’ve forgotten about the adult audience. Adults crave real-life stories they can appreciate. They want to explore different facets of the human experience through quality films, rather than be subject to a cartoon-like plot that can be replicated over and over.  

I can see a trend happening where movie studios cease to enjoy a better reputation than TV offers. With the streaming services still finding their audience and establishing a level of quality that can be maintained, this isn’t the time for a movie studio to take the easiest road to profits at the expense of quality productions. Let’s hope the superhero fad starts to lose steam and studio execs come to their senses.  


Great Fantasy Films on Netflix

Best Fantasy Films on Netflix This Month

Fantasy films are a great way to unleash your imagination and travel to new, exciting places. And the best part about watching a fantasy film is that you can explore intriguing fictional lands all from the comfort of your own sofa. If you’re craving a thrilling fantasy adventure, check out these fun fantasy films currently available on Netflix.

Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle

A sequel to the new rendition of the classic film, Jumanji, this follow-up is sure to be full of fun, excitement, and laughs. The original Jumanji film included the fantastical journey of children who found that events in an enchanted board game they were playing came to life. In a similar fashion, the characters of the new film find that they get sucked into an all-too-real video game scenario together.  


Another film connected to video games, Warcraft, is a thrilling fantasy adventure for those who enjoy stories like The Hobbit or Harry Potter. This film is a story based on the popular computer game, World of Warcraft. It takes place in a fantasy world where races like humans, dwarves, and orcs have to struggle for claim over land and resources. In this magical world filled with a variety of intriguing creatures and players, excitement is not in short supply.  


For those looking for a more old-school fantasy experience, Beowulf is the perfect option. This film is based on the Old English epic poem, relating the story of a famous hero who protects a village from ferocious monsters. This movie adaptation doesn’t follow the classic story precisely but does include the horrific monsters and daring hero in many thrilling clashes.

Check Them Out

There is a reason that movies about far-off fantasy realms never waver in popularity. These intriguing stories, fantastic worlds, and imaginative characters capture our attention and allow us to free our minds from present-day worries. Check out these films and see which one is your favourite fantasy film.


The Upcoming ‘Man Vs Bee’ Series Will Delight Mr Bean Fans

Get The Scoop on the Upcoming ‘Man Vs Bee’ Series

Many Rowan Atkinson fans are excited about the upcoming series starring this well-known British comedy actor. Rowan Atkinson is most well-known for his comedy television series, ‘Mr. Bean’, which has become a classic character that brought joy and laughter to many households around the world. 

Following his role as Mr Bean, Atkinson starred in the ‘Johnny English’ comedy action film franchise. In these movies, Atkinson plays an incompetent British secret agent who, through many mishaps and misunderstandings, is able to save the day and foil a variety of evil plots.

’Man Vs Bee’ Plotline

For those who love Atkinson’s comedic style and previous works, ‘Man Vs Bee’ is an exciting perspective show. This new series will showcase the beloved actor in a struggle against a single annoying insect. 

The recently released trailer for this series shows Atkinson in an expensive house with plenty of breakable items that fall prey to his battle with the bee. The trailer opens with a courtroom scene as Atkinson is on trial for all the items destroyed in the process of trying to eradicate the bee.

This intriguing glimpse into the story of ‘Man Vs Bee’ allows us to wonder what delightful shenanigans are in store once this new series is released.

Where to See ‘Man Vs Bee’

‘Man Vs Bee’ will be released on Netflix on June 24, 2022, so excited Atkinson fans don’t have long to wait before enjoying this wild new comedy series. The series will be composed of ten short episodes of only ten minutes each. 

This series is being developed with the help of Will Davies, who worked with Atkinson on the ‘Johnny English’ series as well, so viewers can be sure to expect the same classic style of humour that this actor is known for.


Hoping for a Return of Our Favorite Shows

Hoping for a Return of Favorite Shows

A picture containing text, indoor, electronics, screen

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the regular TV and movie fare we’re used to enjoying. But viewers become invested in the series they watch on a regular basis. So, the pandemic was a particular blow to these viewers. 

But what about the other side of the camera? Nobody will shed many tears for wealthy leading actors who’ve faced quarantine inside their huge mansions. But it’s been a tough couple of years for struggling actors, writers, producers, directors, not to mention the thousands of crew people trying to make a living in the film and TV industry.

And the addictive nature of episodic television has made both the production people and the viewers uncertain how to proceed.   

Making Sure They’re Remembered

The entire industry had to apply the brakes once the dangers of the Coronavirus became apparent. Studio sets closed their doors, location films had to be paused, and networks had to rely on rerunning old programs. 

The situation had to be particularly painful for shows that had just started to hit their stride and gather a devoted audience. Some projects did an admirable job in making sure viewers remembered them. The producers of the crime serial drama Queen of the South had stars Alice Braga and Hemky Madera making short videos that appeared on YouTube channels apprising viewers that they were still working on the show and when they could be expected to return.

But other shows seemed to fall off the face of the earth. They left devoted viewers wondering if they should just move on and forget about getting any closure. Of course, some of the cast and crew of these shows weren’t given a choice in the matter. Their fates were controlled by the networks that owned the show. 

So, next time you’re disappointed that you can’t find a favorite show in this somewhat post-Covid era, remember all the struggling creative people who had the rug yanked out from under them. They may have lost their only opportunity at success.


Feel-Good Movies to Watch on Netflix

Top Feel-Good Movies on Netflix

In stressful times, when we haven’t fully recovered from a global pandemic, we are always looking for positive ways to chill out, destress, and feel good. One great way to relax and bring some joy and laughter into our lives is with a good movie. Here are some of the top positive movies on Netflix that you can watch to feel good.

Always Be My Maybe

This romantic comedy features the iconic comedians Ali Wong and Randall Park and many other great Asian American actors. As one of the contributing writers, Ali Wong’s humour is clear throughout the film, which also has a fun storyline and many loveable characters. This film is a wonderful way to cheer up while celebrating great Asian Americans.

Late Night

This heartwarming film is the story of two women of different cultural backgrounds, age ranges, and experiences who find common ground in their shared love of comedy. A late-night television host is afraid she may be losing her seat but can make a dramatic transition with the help of her new female show writer. This film will certainly make you laugh and boost your mood.


This adorable film is the story of a chef at a high-class restaurant who quits his job to regain his creativity as a food truck owner. Throughout this process, the main character learns more about himself and strengthens his bond with his family, rekindling his passion for cooking. This truly inspiring film is a great way to feel good and destress.

Check Them Out

Great films are a wonderful way to relax and destress after a long week. Save these titles in your Netflix watch list, so you’ve got some great movies in the queue ready to cheer you up.

Movie Review Uncategorized

Reasons to Go See ‘Spiderman: No Way Home’

What Critics Are Saying About ‘Spiderman: No Way Home’

Everyone expected die-hard Spiderman fans to be excited about ‘Spiderman: No Way Home’, but few people anticipated how monumental it would be in tying together different Spiderman universes and delivering a truly enjoyable film for any superhero fans. 

Uniting the Spider-verses

There have been so many Spiderman story remakes that many people are skeptical of new additions. ‘No Way Home’ has united several different spider-verses in a truly delightful way, however, bringing together storylines from several different movie adaptations in a meaningful way. This movie is entertaining for long-time fans and less experienced Spiderman movie viewers.

Staying True to Spiderman

While the combination of so many storylines and characters in this new movie can be overwhelming, the way it comes together emphasizes who Spiderman is as a character and the values essential to his identity. Fans love that Peter Parker is a nerd who stumbles into herodom and that he is devoted to justice and compassion even after suffering terrible hardship and loss himself.

Touching and Inspirational

Aside from the many Spiderman movies made, there are also many superhero movies made in the general Marvel universe. In a world dominated by high action and complex storylines, it can be difficult to create a compelling and heartfelt storyline, but ‘Spiderman: No Way Home’ does this in a truly remarkable way. It adds to the character development of multiple characters and story arcs while connecting them in the same web. 

Don’t hesitate to take a look at this new addition to the Spiderman series, which has both hardcore fans and critics singing its praises.